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MakeKick 1.0
(c) 1993 MJSoft System Software
Martin Mares
This utility has been writen for easy creation of kickstart header files
(*.kick). It's able to convert the old-style files (*.RTB, *.PAT) to the
kickstart header source (*.kshd) and to compile the source.
MakeKick and its documentation are Copyright (C) MJSoft System Software
1993, Prague, Czech Republic. They may be distributed only as a part of the
MKick archive. Distribution in the SKick archive is also permitted.
MakeKick can be started only from CLI with following parameters:
KSNAME - kickstart base name (for example kick39106.A1200).
AUTO/S - generate the source file automatically from RTB, PAT and the
kickstart image file.
KICKTO/K - store processed kickstart to specified file in ROM Image format.
Used mostly for conversion of files extracted from SuperKickstart disks or
for decoding of encrypted kickstart files (new beta-releases for A600).
MakeKick currently supports ROM Image, KickIt, SuperKickstart and Encrypted
file formats.
The BCPL-relocations are NOT converted from the old-style files.
The relocation table is taken from the RTB file in both modes of operation.
(it isn't included in the KSHD source file).
MakeKick creates automatically following patches (in AUTO mode only):
- The C0-RAM end patch (see the C0END command)
- The NO-C0-RAM patch (see the C0PATCH command)
- The CHIP-RAM-STACK patch (needed to use kick V39+ on systems
with only 1MB of CHIP RAM)
Kickstart header source file
It's a plain ASCII file containing commands on separate lines. You can
write one long command (useful especially for long patches) on more lines
using the '\' character on the end of each line excluding the last one.
Comments are prefixed with ';'.
ADDRESS <hex-address> - base address of the kickstart. All following addresses
will be relative to this base address.
LENGTH <hex-length> - kickstart image length in bytes
VERSION <dec>.<dec> - kickstart version
DISKPOS <hex-position> - use direct (track-) loading from the Kickstart Disk
starting at given relative offset (in bytes from start of the disk - see
doc of trackdisk.device).
PATCH <hex-address> <hex-list> - use given patch. The list of values is a list
of hexadecimal 8-bit numbers. The numbers can be separated by spaces or tabs.
RELPATCH <hex-address> <hex-rel-long> - use given relative patch. The base
address of the kickstart (in RAM) will be added to <hex-rel-long> during the
patching process.
C0PATCH <hex-address> <hex-list> - patch used when the kickstart is being
loaded on address C00000.
BREL <hex-long-list> - a list of BCPL-relocations. Used only when kicking KS
1.3 or lower. (MKick isn't able to kick 1.3, but it supports this type
of relocations.)
C0END <hex-address> - address of the $00DC0000 longword in C0-memory test
routine. It will be patched when kicking to C0-RAM. More addresses can be
specified and are separated by spaces.
CHECKSUM <hex-long> - original kickstart checksum. This checksum will be
checked during the kicking process to find out if the kickstart image is the
corresponding one for this header file.
AUTOSUM - use automatical checksum on each reset. Used mostly for kickstarts
without their own auto-checksum mechanism (34.005 and 39.110.A500).
PATCH1 ... - same as PATCH, but used only when kicking with KS 1.x in ROM.
Used only by MKick.
PATCH2 ... - same as PATCH, but used only when kicking with KS 2.0 or higher
in ROM. Used only by SKick.